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Prayer at Shir Tikvah

Praying together is how we build our community from the inside out.

Prayer at Shir Tikvah is joyful, informal, and uplifting; a blend of old and new, tradition and experiment, comfort infused with a dose of challenge. Whether we gather in the sanctuary, around a summer campfire, or in someone's living room, the space we create together is sacred and open to possibility. In it we are reminded of the many blessings that surround us—those created by luck or through our labor, and those created by the people we love and who love us.

Our services are welcoming and accessible, whether you're a Hebrew school dropout, have a Ph.D in Jewish literacy, or are a newbie to the tribe. Being there is all that counts, no matter how you came through the door.

Learn more:

Shabbat Services | High Holidays | Other Holidays | Lifecycles


You can enrich your experience by checking out Ten Minutes of Torah, a great resource for exploring Jewish life and thought.

Mon, February 17 2025 19 Sh'vat 5785